Gang Gang Dance always delivers. Their remixes are sick, and the remixes of their songs are sick.
This is last year's Hot Chip remix of the track "House Jam" off the "First Communion" 12," It kind of falls off towards the end, but the beginning is straight sex.
Big L was sick, his battle raps are seriously out of control. Watch him straight up murder Jay Z,,and get your ass schooled. If you don't know, now you know.
"Fuck love, all I got for hoes is hard dick and bubble gum"
I used to have a music/life/whateverthefuckIthoughtwascool blog here. Now it is HERE. Go check the old one if you feel so inclined, I've been writing it for what seems like forever. I'm pretty good with tags, and I post alot of tracks. If you feel like wading through you might find some beats to move your feets. WORD.
(You gotta twitter? You wanna hear the inane shit I spew on an infuriatingly regular basis?