I've been getting a ton of love for this blog lately, and I genuinely appreciate all of the kind words.
I love you all veryverymuch times amillion. It's nice to know I am not just shouting into the aether.
I know posting can be sporadic, and that it generally reflects the chaos of my brain, and for this I am(somewhat) sorry.
I am going to Miami for WMC, so bear with the crushing silence the next few days will bring and I promise you will be rewarded with oh so many pictures.
I bought a new camera charger just.for.you.
Also, feel free to tell me what you enjoy/don't enjoy seeing. I like to hear your voice.
The above is me in Miami last Nov, the below(post) is my birthday gift to myself.
Talk to you soon.
(If you just can't wait feel free to follow me on twitter, it's an all to guilty pleasure. https://twitter.com/Kyleftw (duh))
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